happiest day.
Just came home frm Shirley's farewell dinner.
Oh mans i'm honestly sad that she's leaving and i won't be seeing @ work from Monday onwards =(
i'll miss all the randomly talking to her, our lunch break outings, the way we're hostile to one another..
But she's nt the sentimental type. maybe she's more optimistic lOls.
she still promised to meet us for lunch cos there's nothing to do but nua until uni starts.
Anyhow, we went to Sundanese Restaurant @ Boat Quay. The food palatable but not really my favourite kind; tho a refreshing change~

Eyann calls this the flying fish. Meat is soft and the outer skin layer is light and crisp. Eyann even ate the fish tail lOls.

Some of our dishes. I must say I like the kangkong~
Jarrod kept forcing me to eat more (cos he knows i eat alOt lOls...he even rmb-ed my stomach rumbled when he was giving me a mini lecture on work on my 1st day)

with Mei~
And then the 3 of us went to chill @ Gloria Jean's. it's just soO goOd to have That CD Shop next to Gloria Jean's so there's free bustling music. I love a little crowd; makes things feel happening lOls.
Shirley always say poOr students can only do this lOls.

OMG. so sweet. this photo is flawed obviously cos of the underexposure/ over exposure? But i tot it's quite stylo compared to the normal flash photo~
Partly i dreaded going home cos i knew D-day is here today. thanks ah jianwei for reminding me ytd. Before going home, they said i loOk more of high and excited than scared and worried.
Now i have more reason tO =)))))))))))))))))
maybe i should skip more lectures in future LOLS.
and i almost thought they gave me the wrong mark.
but i know this ain't some coincidence.
it's thanks to my tutor of 2 modules, yeong chong for being such a mountain 'kao4 shan1'; his tutorials are times where i understoOd the module better and know which direction i'm heading.
sO it's a shame since this sem is his last sem & i won't see him anymore...if not i'll just take the modules he'll be teaching in for the next year but that can't happen again =(
maybe he secretly memorized my matriculation number lOls, that's what i told shawn.
Soci seriously has some excellent tutors apart from him.
But wow. it's just so.
if he can be a tuition teacher, i'll immediately register~
it's a GOOD day.
at work too, i got a job order from Raffles Group =) i hope to have more of these in future~